[color=#FF0000][align=center] To mods: Pls. Delete if someone had already posted a topic like this. [/align][/color]
Here's the code:
[code]img { opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100) }
a:hover img {
[quote=kinetixz10]Here's the code:
img { opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100) }
a:hover img { opacity:.[b]50[/b];filter:alpha(opacity=[b]50[/b]) }
Just paste in your CSS Extension[/quote]
[quote=leileileii]how can i make the image totally transparent?
and oh, yer control panel is soo cool when hovered![/quote]
i think you should edit the 50 to 100 so that it would be transparent?? i'm not sure