2008-12-09 10:07:48

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Ehhhmm.. :cool: Sesuai dengan judulnya jadi diharapkan kepada teman2 semuanya tolong untuk ketertiban dan keteraturan Forum FT Indonesia,maka saya sengaja membuat topic ini.. :eh: :disgust: Hal i

[quote=As cicatrizes]im not 19. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: y r u saying things like dat sis zefa? :rolleyes:[/quote] :rolleyes: imma tellin` the truth~ =D [quote=As cicatrizes]im not ur big sis. :cry:[/quote] then we're d same age, okay? you're not moi lil sis! :P [quote=audeea_iu]oh rilly?? =D=D it make me rilly confused right now... :lol::lol: n how age r u sista?[/quote] i'm only 14 now! :lol: studying in 3rd grade of junior high! :P [quote=VeCt]niii muka ku! :( <-----<<< da liat kan!!![/quote] itu muka apa mata sih? :retard: ada fansign ato apa kek gitu. biar lebih jelas! :D joke. teserah aja sih. [b] daiz[/b] add ONE more post and your rank will be the same with me! GO! :lol:

Last edited by xPEPPERMINTx (2008-12-09 10:09:19)

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