[quote=malow]Following Rei? Nah, Im following Kiro[/quote]
Curseee you lola [b].____________________________________________________.[/b]
[quote=cla_15]yeah..and you didn't answer my question very WELL!!! im still wondrin what kind of breed do you have! btw..are you looking for the link of kiro's pic in the banner?! i can give it to you, actually 2 yun e..ayieeeeeeeee...geh, go take a bath na, we can smell you na e..joke![/quote]
HAHA. I told you im half-alien.

Joke. Im half Half Haalff Italiaan.
But as what other says, i look japnese. Hohohoho.I wanna be one/
I just want that one in the banner.
He looks good in there.

I wnder why he didn't share me that picture. Eh? We exchange pictures yu know baby,.

Its not actually bath, shower.

[quote=malow]I'm not looking for him dear. Whoa.. I didn't knew that I'm your lola[/quote]
I would love to call your labtim lolo. And you are my lolo's labtim, so i'll call yu lola.

[quote=bluberry543]Nyahaha, english carabao is fun
i'm with you!
Fine here :>[/quote]
Daaamn. Teach me english crabaao.

yey.you're here.IMY.[/quote]
Same here. Imissyou :*
Hohoho. Gakusei rei is here. Hello *wavess.
Its been a while since our filipino tutorial *as if i knw filipino much.
Last edited by Trixx.xii (2008-12-18 06:41:15)