[quote=laynejoselle]haha but when it comes to quizzes I really try my best not to forget all I memorized becoz its worst consenquence is a F in exam
ohh no

aaah..well, i bet you can do better!! I'm sure of that.
But I do wish that I got an F for once..
okay see ya later sis.
[quote=Trixx.xii]My Favoooriiteee Band Ever.

Daaamn. I thought it was just co-incidence ((:
NASSSLL? XDD Ok here's mine; trixx - tweelve - straight - qataar[/quote]
lol, that's so awesome, yet Paramore is my 4th favorite band, which is next to MCR which is next to Linkin Park which is next to Green Day, haha!!
Yeah pretty much.
Oh yeah what's your name again?
Sorry I forgot.

School ended today.[/quote]
It's Hayley, but that's okay, cuz pat used to call me O too haha!!