[b] [i]Jesus is Better than Santa[/i] [/b]
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is ever
thnxx 4 commenting..
ims so xoorrii 4 puting a "versus" in my statemnt..
i just want 2 share/post this 4 us 2 remind us the true meaning of Christmas..
bcoz.. many children believe that there is santa..
there are many miss conception when we say santa = christmas..
we alwiesz say that when we behave and be good
santa will give us a gift rather that we
say [b]be good and Jesus will bless u.. [/b]
[quote=akoba]why do you compare those two? whats your point? The comparison you gives are bias. Everything in in favor of J.[/quote]
sis/bro surriie 4 being bias between them..
so can u give an example that will state santa is better than Jesus..
thxx 4 evyone...^^
GOD bless..
and merry CHRISTmas!