2008-12-25 04:55:05

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Re: Bagi para member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS. Silahkan bertanya dan posting disini. Sebelum itu harap membaca dan mengikuti [url=http://theftalk.com/t23371-FORUM-RULES.html][b]FORUM

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Truzz mw masang Welcome Alert n Goodbye.. Nah masukin kmana??? [spoiler]messages=new Array('Medh dateng iiaahh....','Jangan lupa kasih komen lho,, oce') for(loop=0;loop<messages.length;loop++) { alert(messages[loop]); } //goodbye alert function goodbye(){ alert('See ya '+parent.pageViewerFName+'); } parent.window.onunload=goodbye;[/spoiler]

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