Re: [align=center][img][/img]
[b]share your break up reasons here[/b]
serious talk here[/align]
we broke up earlier. i cant understand him. he told me that he loves me but then he said that we need to split. i granted his wish.
he even told me that if i can wait forever... he will come back for me... i dont know if he is sincere in saying such..
he even told me that his love was not enough. i dunno. he said that he's confused..really.
i admit that i cried... becausei dont want to lose him..he is the very first person that i loved... but what can i do? i need to give up for him. but i will still love him. and im willing to wait for him.
i sacrificed so many things for him. i am called [i]kabit[/i] pa nga e. but i tried to bear it. now i dont know what might happen if the others find out what happened. maybe they will say im too desperate.