**re-uploaded the images on Photobucket.
if you can't download the brush. post.

Today, I will show you how to create an collage just by some simple steps...
Download:[url=http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/chiosin/Tutorials/003.jpg]Texture[/url] | [url=http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/chiosin/Tutorials/image007.jpg]Girl[/url] | [url=http://www.vitaminpsd.com/tutorials/tutorial%2045/PHOTOSHOP_BRUSHES___polaroid_by_darkmercy.abr]Brush[/url]
[b]Step 1[/b]. Create an file [b]800x600[/b], fill the background with this color: [b]#fdb676[/b]
[b]Step 2[/b]. Create a new layer named “1”. Use this brush, select a [b]bigger size (484 px)[/b]
Draw like this:
[b]Step 3[/b]. Repeat step 2 (layer named “2”) but rotate it [b]smaller and thinner[/b]. Put layer 2 under layer 1 in the layer tab.
Step 4. Open the original photo
Use Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to cut two parts of it out and put it in the document like this:
[b]Step 5[/b]. Open texture named “003”, drag it into the document. Change its blend mode to [b]Vivid light with 82% of opacity.[/b]
[b]Step 6[/b]. Create a new layer named “brush”. Put this layer under all the layers, above the background. Use [b]smooth brush[/b]
So you will have:
[b]Step 7[/b]. Add some text on it.
You can download this font at dafont.com (font named jane austen). (From reader's request)
[i]Note: if you like this color version, you can stop here. I have another version, which is more sad, and alone.[/i]
[b]Step 8[/b]. Use [b]gradient tool[/b]
and select
Then drag it from left to right.
Change [b]its blend mode to Hue[/b].
[b]Step 9.[/b] Create a new layer and use gradient tool again
Drag it at the girl, [b]then change its blend mode to overlay[/b]. You have the final
[spoiler]credits to:
Photoshop CS3
Vitamin PSD[/spoiler]
Last edited by forsakendoll (2010-03-15 15:22:23)