2008-12-29 10:06:47

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [size=4][align=center][b][color=gray]"Happy 32nd Monthsary Ftalk University :)!" [/b][/align][/size][/color] [align=center][b](former FriendsterTalk University)[/b][/align] [align=center][i]July 17 20

[quote=mjd1224]hi erika.. intro intro. *trumpets playing* welcome to FU! the greatest school.community. and family in the WWW. home of spams and certain violations. btw. the name's justine.. stin for short.. pero they call me kwek. hehe.. i know you na ryt?? sa ftalk math whiz??[/quote] haha. thanks for that warm welcome. :lol: yep. i already know you. the math genius. =D why do they call you kwek? hehe. just asking. :eh:

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