[b]Babes [/b]HAHA. I LOL'd at her avatar, too. Anne's 1000000000000000000000000000000x prettier than her. [b]YAY FOR ANNE![/b] \

[b]Rei[/b] Oh I see, [b]HAHA.[/b] Stupid meeee. :< [b]YAY![/b] Just PM me the format, okaaay? *rolls around happily. [b]BTW[/b], stop calling me GFX master. Huhu. Your GFX is better than mine. No doubt.

[b]Anne[/b] GAWD! You never ran out of nice/evil quotes. *hands down.

Yeah, you're absolutely right, her conscience is killin' her. XDDDD No Anne, your ava is much much >:3 >:3. Tralalala~
[b]Jamie [/b]I see, realizing what I realize is what I realized. XDDDDD