[quote=Chiny.12]Hi sis Zefa!

How are yoo?

Happy New year!

hows your new year celebration?[/quote]
imma fine, sis!
moi celebration? uh oh, i dunno.
cos i slept an hour before new year!

how bout you?
[quote=bheszt_09]Good Evening.
just got home.[/quote]
hello sis andrea!

btw, are there requests fer scandalers?
cos moi friend said he sent a request fer this group.

[quote=Rei Ryuzaki]hey, guyz join our conpeeee now!

eh? what confe? i didn't hear anything!

btw, about your conf that time, there was something WRONG with me.
i DIDN'T turn the speaker ON!

[quote=laynejoselle]good evening people..
what's up ??
sorry if im not soo active..
I'm having my vacation kac[/quote]
hello sis layne!

happy new year. how was vacation?
Last edited by xPEPPERMINTx (2009-01-01 09:09:31)