2009-01-01 10:16:51

» FTalkAgent
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Re: Ehhhmm.. :cool: Sesuai dengan judulnya jadi diharapkan kepada teman2 semuanya tolong untuk ketertiban dan keteraturan Forum FT Indonesia,maka saya sengaja membuat topic ini.. :eh: :disgust: Hal i

btw temans, gw mo bikin thread games di sini. tapi ga tau de tanggapanny gimana. soalny orang2 sini pada suka males maen. :doubt: ini ada draft game gw di bawah. =D [spoiler]title: [b]I want my (things) only if it's (colors).[/b] [quote][b]how to play:[/b] first, you say: " I want my (things) only if it's (colors)" based on the thing that previous poster had asked. then, you also ask the next poster the question: "What color do you want for your (things)?" Get it? well, but the colors provided aren't that free. it's based on the colors of a certain flag. the flag we use now is: [b]France![/b] [misal] :lol: which means the colors are [u]red.white.blue[/u]. :P so your options of colors are just those colors above. no spam. :angry:[/quote] [quote]example: #1: what color do you want for your laptop? #2: I want my laptop only if it's red. what color do you want for your camera? #3: i want my camera only if it's blue. etc etc.[/quote] [b]translations:[/b] [spoiler][quote]cara bermain: lo bakal nanya ke poster selanjutny: "what color do you want for your (things)?" ganti kata [b](things)[/b] dengan nama barang. misal: kamera, hp, laptop, jam tangan, dll. poster selanjutnya harus menjawab: "I want my (things) only if it's (colors)" ganti kata [b](colors)[/b] dengan warna yang lo suka. tapi warna yang disebutkan juga ada ketentuanny, yaitu berdasarkan warna bendera. nah, bendera yang akan kita pake sekarang adalah [b]Perancis[/b]! [misal] berarti warnanya hanya [b]merah, putih, dan biru.[/b] ga boleh ada jawaban warna di luar ketiga warna itu. ngerti? gada spam. :angry: contoh ada di atas. ;)[/quote] [/spoiler][/spoiler]

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