Re: i juz saw diz video diz morning..
watch!!and you'll be DISAPPOINTED..
juz click the spoiler..den tell me wat u think..
[quote=As cicatrizes]oh my gulay... that is kinda....what you say "kecemburuan" or "jealousy"
i dunno..well,on the other hand.,.,maybe it was really sarah's part and chariz just raised her mic coz she thought it was her part.wkakakka~~[/quote]
Yeah! you know....bcuz charice was used to sing that song so she might have forgotten that she have to sing it with rachelle and sarah...No offense guys...but i think those who are always comparing and intriguing sarah and charice wants to get both of them down.So let us just leave it this way...We never know what's the real story behind that scene. If its sarah's part or charice's....But please dont make your own conclusions...
We never want our idols to be involved in any situations like this,do we?
So leave it...