[align=center][b][u]/!\[/u]PLEASE HELP[u]/!\[/u][/b][/align]
We all know that the world is fckn unfair,
help these students, their teachers are so unfair, they decide their grades by voting through inet,
[url=http://paskosaamin.blogspot.com/]click here[/url] and vote for [u]ideal christmas[/u], it's in the bottom i think.
lets help others to feel better, please vote guyz. D:
[b]ate aning[/b]
haha, yeah womanizing, or whatever he usually does

yeah i understand, both of us are busy and i can only be online once a day and in between time of 9pm - 11pm ur time. T_________T
[b]retarded malowwwww[/b]
yeahhh!! you are backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk xDDDDD
how is ur trip?
nvm that, i just want to die xD