hmmmm...i dont understand...
how to apply it...???
[quote]+++++plus this one++++
function shoutoutcus(){
var kaloy = "<marquee scrolldelay='125' onmouseover='stop()' onmouseout='start()'><form name='random'><input style='border:0;width:auto;auto;background:#000000;color:tan;font-family:papyrus;border: solid 1px #7eb3f6;paddng:2px;' type='text' name='random' size=100 value=''></form></marquee>";
document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<div><table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+kaloy+"</td></tr></table></div>";
if you didnt want it to scroll or marquee delete the marquee tag

and also you can customize the text color and font style to mke it blend to your bg ok!
optional: you can add more mesagge you want just add arrays...+ the msg!...
for question pls post![/quote]
where i can put that code????

please help me....
sory 4 my bad english....