[align=center][b]Hello The Scandalers

[i]Im missing all of you now *sigh
err.. since our school will start on 18/01/09
i have to study and fill my brain with words
and numbers again

and another thing that makes me so busy
is the tennis thingy..

[b]Uhm....Gaah..I really miss everyoooone in here

Maybe if you want to talk to me you could just add me in ym or skype

coz i can online through my psp
or if you want you can pm me
[spoiler][i]What am i saying

And one more thing uhm.. can you...if only..give some looove on my premades
i would appreciate it <33[/b]
[i]Just click the MY PREMADES on my siggy Thanks!
[spoiler][quote][b]So how's my damn english?

[i]Still Bad EH?

Last edited by leviel (2009-01-11 13:18:41)