2009-01-15 07:31:01

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKQLoYV23I8[/youtube] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/282qjc8.png[/img] [quote]For more kalokohan, visit our unofficial site: [url]http://thescandale

[quote=charm_caster0604]Wow! I never knew that my cracked voice was a music, XD Thanks, Sweetie! Let's not talk about School Curricula. >:3 Just makes my head aches, ahahahaha. Loff? Loff- New word *added to dictionary. XD hahha C: You sure have a wide vocabulary, Sweetie! *kiss* ♥ Sensible One! -like me. hehehe Yeah, Undeniably influenced. XD Such words comes to my mind unexpectedly. >< lalalalalala. * sings for Sweetie* I love you. X3 >< And I wanna Marry you! Lolwut? XD (; Marry? Lawls. XD[/quote] - - Ofcourse, it is. [b]HAHA.[/b] No problemo, chunkee. :* Yeah, mii head aches already. Thinking all about it. ;___;" Wide vocabulary, you say? Na-ah. You're vocab is WIDEEEEEER. ;33 [b]GAAH. [/b]Hearing(?) you sing makes me wanna [b]float[/b]. Trlalala~ I love you even more, Chunkee! Marry meeee~ X33 When will be the reception? XD [b]HAHA.[/b] BTW, have you eaten your dinner yet? (:

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