Re: [color=#FF0000][align=center] To mods: Pls. Delete if someone had already posted a topic like this. [/align][/color]
Here's the code:
[code]img { opacity:1;filter:alpha(opacity=100) }
a:hover img {
[quote=melfuelle 21]already make one but i really can't get it...
i already followed the instructions in "how to make a .css file (Basic mathod), but i hardly understand the last step on "How to Host"...
can you explain it to me further?
thank you so much...[/quote]
^after you save your css must register in a file hosting site like [url][/url]..After registering go to "My Files" and select "Upload files"..then, go to my files..and click upload files..then you will see a browse..browse the file[your css extension file] then click it..after the load has finished, click continue..and get the direct link..use the direct link and apply it in a linker..gets?!