Re: [align=center][b]
[color=RED]!! WARNING: Best viewed in IE (screen resolution 1024x768)...
Haven't tried in screen resolution 800x600 and 1280x1024 !![/color]
[b] :gift: +rep if u like
[quote=yunish]WOW. really pretty layouts. i love it, soo much. im currently using the twilight layout. [/quote]
i lov that layout too...
thx 4 the +rep
[quote=chipster489]Dat's a unique layies u'v made, i'l giv u a + 4 dat, great job. [/quote]
thx 4 the +rep.
i appreciate....
so cute..
i love it..
and tnx 4 yah repu..
no worries...