You are viewing a post by m4ndz9. View all 21 posts in this is a simple game,,,,,just guest the OS (operating system,,,:ex. Windows xp, Windows Vista,etc...) of the person that will post next's Computer:D:D:D hope you undrstnd,,,
:arrow: I'll start,,,ahm.
- m4ndz9
- » FTalkFreak
![FTalk Level: zero FTalk Level: zero](img/activitybar/activitybar0.png)
this is a simple game,,,,,just guest the OS (operating system,,,:ex. Windows xp, Windows Vista,etc...) of the person that will post next's Computer:D:D:D hope you undrstnd,,,
:arrow: I'll start,,,ahm
Yep ^^
next is XP?
You are viewing a post by m4ndz9. View all 21 posts in this is a simple game,,,,,just guest the OS (operating system,,,:ex. Windows xp, Windows Vista,etc...) of the person that will post next's Computer:D:D:D hope you undrstnd,,,
:arrow: I'll start,,,ahm.