[quote=setsunacha]ok kill him now, i support u[/quote]
i can't fine him
ur brother is sneaky !
Tahun baru Cina ?
ogah *tidak*, kalo aku rayakan
nanti diledek temen
well, i'm lil bit chinnesse
hby ? do u celebrate it ?[/quote]
i celebrate it.
why dont u ?
i always go to the mall and celebrate it
sumtimes there are shows
and d dragon thingy and many of my neighbors are chinese
so there are many people who gave use oranges
yup i celebrate it
tetapi dkt shopping mall dekat KL(kuala lumpur)
tetapi celebrate masa malamnya.
awk selalu dpt oren x ?
Last edited by EleeGirl (2009-01-23 03:27:16)