[quote=CloudsRider]saya ma anes!
bukan andreas!!
Waduh! salah orang neh. eheh
maap ya.
kelamaan ga ketemu jadi lupa. anes ya?
*baru dikasi tau*
[quote=xwiit_az_candii]once a week sis?
Yeah, cos the rest days, my parents will take away the mouse and keyboard.
They only leave the CPU and monitor.
How can play if I have nothing?
Missed you uber much, sis Cha!
I am fine, sis. Nothing went wrong this week.
How about you?
nope im not celebrate.
how about you?[/quote]
Actually I celebrate it. But I seldom get that "Angpao" thing!
Angpao is money that the elder gives to the kids.. $___________$