This place is getting spammy again

As of [b][i]Sunday, August 09, 2009[/i][/b].
[align=center][b]THREAD OPENED[/b][/align]
Imma start cleaning the threads i handle while I can.
At least I will lessen the dirt before i go HIATUS moad again this September - December.[/i][/quote]
Your thread can/will be closed if:
1. it has little posts.
2. inactive thread
3. you have games that are so nonsense.

4. you thread have many [b]spams[/b]

Just doing my job. Sorry for the threads that will be closed.
To make it fair. Pls Post here or PM me the threads that you think that should be closed and why.
Thanks for cooperating

Last edited by ducheszv (2009-08-08 14:50:11)