2009-01-25 21:28:18

» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]An Exclusive, Unified Circle Of Creative, Inimitable, Artistic and Musically Inclined Youngsters. A Group Of People Who Express Themselves Through Music And Art.[/b] [img]http://nightfallclan.ucoz

[quote=mikay_03]they're the one who didn't respect the group..why join if you'll leave it so soon? gaaawd :disgust:[/quote] I guess most of them are FU or all of them are from FU, well that;s wat I say, b4 we could get a respect from them, we need to show some respect to them even we always respect them, we should keep trying, we're all family here [quote=Angeli_7]There's no need to be scared of me Sis Tara, past is past :) I'm glad you're at peace now :) You could've ask me about it =| Our group isn't made to intimidate or look down at others =) Ftalk community is like one family already and the egroup is a get to together of all chosen ftalk members to socialize and have fun, share their interests like music and stuffs, open up with just about anything :) We're just a bunch of crazy members with one unified goal " To keep rockin' \m/ haha lol :lol: Don't get me wrong, i'm not "feeling superior" or "giving high standards" inorder to join the group, when i meant qualified i meant....you should not be a spammer or a trouble maker in this forum :) Peace Sis! :) AND OH "Rated-R" is now officially known as "Rockstars" =)[/quote]

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