[align=center]HI! TODAY ill teach you how to make a fake computer virus[/align]
[align=center]prepare your self and foollow the instructions[/align]
[align=center]HI! TODAY ill teach you how to make a fake computer virus[/align]
[align=center]prepare your self and foollow the instructions[/align]
[spoiler]on your desktop just right click ...... just click anywere[/spoiler]
[spoiler]when you have right click already thier will be a box that will appear....look for the WORD "new"...then an extention will appear look again for the word "shortcut" and click it[/spoiler]
[spoiler]IF you have finish pressing it a program will appear in tittled {create shortcut}[/spoiler]
[spoiler]in the program you will see an emptyt box... encode this inside the box [quote]shutdown -s -t [b]10[/b] -c "Your meassage"[/quote]
then click NEXT[/spoiler]
[b]step five[/b]
[spoiler]when you click NEXT ...a word SHUTDOWN will appear in the box ....change it into INTERNET EXPLORER then click finish[/spoiler]
[b]step six[/b]
[spoiler]when you click finish an icon will appear in your desktop intittled internet explorer....[/spoiler]
[b]step seven[/b]
[spoiler]right click the icon and then click properties[/spoiler]
[b]step eight[/b]
[spoiler]the property box will appear.... then click the change icon[/spoiler]
[b]last step[/b]
[spoiler]when you finish to click the CHANGE ICON .... scroll the the verry last of the icon box and look for the icon of the program "INTERNET EXPLORER"[/spoiler]
[quote]HANE FUN[/quote]