[i]The below image is static, only the colors change. The base image is an anomalous motion optical illusion. When we add the changing color to the mix it is very hard not to believe that the image itself is not moving.
What do you think?
[i]Stare at the center of the 'animated' image. The image is static only the colors change![/i]
[b]Ascending or Descending[/b]
[i]Colors often appear brighter and more vibrant when they are bordered by frames. Black lines are commonly used to enhance colors in applications like stained glass. This tactic creates a certain effect, as shown below, and prevents color clashing. Notice that the drawing on the left colors appear significantly brighter and pure. [/i]
[img]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3668/stained1gs7.jpg[/img] [img]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1346/stained2kv4.jpg[/img]
Rotating dot whirlpool
Wow! Try staring at this for more than 5 seconds
without going crazy. Then try following it round!

Curves constantly die out and then re-evolve as
part of another curve.
It already looks quite 'wavy', but try slowly moving the mouse cursor up and down the center of the image - and focus on the cursor. You should see the picture 'waving' in an incredible way.
All of the red lines are completely parallel would you believe?
Which way is the wheel turning!?
Focus on the red dots and follow them round... it appears to be rotating anti-clockwise. However, if you follow the yellow dots round instead, the whole wheel will be turning the other way! - clockwise!
Stare at the black dot for a minute (the longer the better), and watch the colored 'fluff' disappear!