[b] i still hadnt talked to my classmate for alm,ost a year now. and we're still classmates upto now. she started to talk to my friends whom also hated her before but still, even if she tries to talk to me i pretend that there's no one talking.
last year, we were all talking bout the debut of my friend. then we said who's next but she keeps on insisting that she's only 16? woah. we're on 1st year college that time. she also gets jealous of other people's success. everytime i got a high grade in every subject, she makes faces and says that i dont deserve it. she says its only a joke but i know that she's really jealous. im [i]more[/i] popular than her in our group then she started rumors about me that the only thing that my friends wanted from me is my money *the hell?? they are even richer than me!* then she's such a pretentious person. she pretends that she does fencing whereas she dont even know what [i]toushe[i] (sorry for the spelling but it is pronounced as tooshey) means! then she brags about drag racing eh she cant drive a car or even a motor cycle! and how come she boasts about having lots of cars she's driving when she said that she's only sixteen? logically, you cant have a lisence if you're under 18! After all those nonsense things she says and those stuffs, she keeps pretending and pretending to lots of people, i feel like i wanna burst and tell all of them that all shes saying are lies, eventually it happened. i told all of them how illogical she is, that her stories are way over the line that you cannot connect the other to the other story. then she gets mad. then i was happy. haha[/b]