I don't remember my 1st date.
But I do remember my 'informal' date with my buddy on junior high.
Since we were too young, we never really called ourselves a couple,
But we had that 'understanding' -- we call that M.U.
I didn't attend the prom, so he didn't attend also.
We went to Subic Bay instead, and ate at Chowking, how weird is that, hahaha!
We spend the rest of that time, chatting the night away.
That date was OK. I miss him actually cos he's like a brother to me.
Anyways, my last date with my partner was not so good.
Cos I almost had a fight with a drunkard. We were at Gerry's.
The last time before that the ATM machine ate my card!
GRRRRRRRRRR!!! I've been having a crazy time on dates these days.
Hopefully our next date will not be so disastrous.
Last edited by Padme (2007-01-22 02:25:51)