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  2007-09-22 22:39:57

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]UPDATED[/b] here's the code! :arrow: YM STATUS #! [code]<a href="ymsgr:sendim?YM_ID_HERE"><img src=""></a>[/code] :arrow: screenshot of the Y

[quote=tintin58]why it's not working on my profile?? heres my code and see if there's a problem... var YMStatus; try {YMStatus = document.createElement("div"); } catch (e) {YMStatus = document.createElement("<div>"); } YMStatus.setAttribute("style","text-align:center;padding-top: 10px"); YMStatus.innerHTML = "<a href='ymsgr:sendIM?nickillua8><img border=0 src=''></a></div>"; document.getElementById("controlPanelButtons").parentNode.appendChild(YMStatus);[/quote] coz` u need to save that as [b]js file[/b] then u must put that on a script..u will just use that code if u want to appear that under ur control panel.. perhaps.if u don't know javascripts..just use the [i]ordinary code[/i] :|

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