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  2006-10-22 02:46:09

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

plug your site here freely if you have one Graphics site [url=]Asayake Namida[/url] Blog [url=]Endless Serenade[/url] Friendster Blog [url=http://pink_s

plug your site here freely if you have one Graphics site [url=]Asayake Namida[/url] Blog [url=]Endless Serenade[/url] Friendster Blog [url=]Endless Serenade Friendster[/url] Fanlistings [url=]Over~Across the time[/url] [url=]Your Color[/url] GO PLUG YOUR OWN [color=red] :arrow: [i]As of 4/20/2007, [b]FoRsAkEnKiD[/b] edits[/i]: Friendster Talk Rules had already updated which included a new rule:[/color] [quote=Friendster Talk Rules]6. No other forum/site promotion posts.[/quote] [color=red]However, this thread will be excempted from that rule. So if you want to advertise/promote your sites, then kindly post them on this thread. It is also advised that you post the sites that is owned either by [b]you or from a friend or a relative, etc..[/b]. Please dont advertise sites that doesnt belong to you. You can advertise sites from a different owner as long as you indicated his/her name on your post. And also, starting tonight, [b]please dont post your Friendster profile pages on this thread.[/b] If you want people to visit your Friendster profile, please go to the [url=]Show Off Section[/url]. If you want people to add you up as a friend on Friendster, then post something in the [url=]Friendster Add-Up Thread[/url]. [b]Again, no posting of Friendster profiles on this thread[/b]. [i]*edited*[/i] If you have questions about the said statements, post them on this thread as well. Thanks for your cooperation. [/color]

Last edited by Padme (2007-09-21 15:48:37)

Pages: 12345678910111213..13

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