If you want know how to added logo and switch support information
in system properties windows XP as like picture below, along with this method:
1. If u want to added logo... then must be made first.. picture file with .bmp format or
bitmap might logo or photograph with measurement 163×115 pixel(dont put the logo too big, it
will not full logo apply) then, put the name bitmap file at oemlogo.bmp(remember .. must be *.bmp extension)
2. by now, we make a file with *.ini extension, then to add the info we can typed the code by
notepad editor n save the file in the name of OEMINFO.ini [remember .. must be *.ini extensions]
this is a example of filling file info at oeminfo.ini.
Manufacturer=Peace BrokenHeart
[Support Information]
line1=About Everything
line2=Contact Support :
line4=Name : Andry Peace
line5=Address: Unknown
line6=Office: I Don't Have
line7=Mobile: Private
line10=Hobby : BlogDesign, Tweaking,
line11=Sleep, And Much More
line12=About Everything[/quote]
the script would shown the information appear as below when we click the button support
information at system properties
3. when its finished, save the both file logos n info are file oemlogo.bmp and oeminfo.ini
to directory windows system32 or at [b]C:\windows\system32[/b]
4. now, open control panel.. then open system properties by double click system icon or other way right click at my computer then properties ... we have added logo n information

[i]sorry for bad english*[/i]