Weeee.. I finished all 24 episodes in youtube!!
this is my review:
First few episodes sucks why? Shiro got pawned in first episode!
he died lol.. haha.. so weak and other episodes he is gay
but when he got projection he is god damn good!
I like servant Archer.. I like his english dialogue ^_^
Spoiler for lazy people
[spoiler]servants namely berserker, saber , archer , lancer, rider , assasin , caster , and teh eight is gilgamesh (my avatar

Episode 16 part 3 Bath thub scene rocks! beware kids ...
Ilya and Sakura were the container for summoning teh holy grail huhu
They defeated kotomine (the priest who are teh refeeree daw in the war
by using AVALON ... At the ending Saber back to her world and shes about
to die .. she gave her sword to her companion and throw in teh sea/lake
whatever.. thats it so sad ending SABER DIED T_T[/spoiler]