Welcome to FTalk....
Just have fun and enjoy posting...[/quote]
Thanks . how old are you ?
So whats up ?
[quote=dale]welcome to ftalk...

Thanks . whats for the rose? Hehe .
Cutie ^^. How olr are you?
[quote=regiehiozn]welcome to ftalk!!!!

Thanks . whats up?
[quote=madz09][b][color=#ff0099] hi anne,same country here..
welcome to ftalk..
enjoy posting...
thanks . how are you?

[quote=yondaime87][b]Welcome to FTalk[/b]

....ooppsss.. the rule said no double posting rite...hehe dont angry me...

Thanks . hehe . yeah I know don’t worry
[quote=acel_lanzs][align=left][color=#FF0066][b]welcome to Ftalk[/b][url]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa295/bhaby_ace/hug.gif[/url] [/color][/align]
[align=center][color=#FF0066][b]the site fo friendster addict [/b]p[url]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa295/bhaby_ace/number1.gif[/url] [/color][/align]
[align=right][color=#FF0066][b]enjoy posting and learning [/b] [url]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa295/bhaby_ace/dance.gif[/url][/color] [/align][/quote]
Thanks . how are you?
[quote=em0chiq11]welcome to ftalk..
enjoy posting and have fun..

thanks . how old are you?
[quote=tagslyf]elow anne!!!welcum in FTALK...lets enjoy tis world;p wer u in philz?![/quote]
Thanks , hmm la union . how about you?
[quote=k8]welcome to ftalk..

Thanks ^^. Whats up?
[quote=NOSIOJ]hi Roxy. Welcome to Ftalk.[/quote]
Hello . thanks . whoah! I don’t know how to pronounce your username . haha . that kinda s*cks ^^.
[quote=mherylicious][align=center][color=#0088ff][b]♣--† ™ [url]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z143/claudeendin/s1rxbc.gif[/url]-pRetty in bLue-[url]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z143/claudeendin/s1rxbc.gif[/url] ™ †--♣[/b][/color][/align]
have fun
enjoy posting... [/color][/align]
[align=center][color=#0088ff][b]™ [url]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z143/claudeendin/s1rxbc.gif[/url]-mHeryLiciOus-[url]http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z143/claudeendin/s1rxbc.gif[/url] ™[/b][/color][/align][/quote]
Thanks sis . I love your graphics ^^.
[quote=n4ni3][b]nice to see u here


Hehe . thanks . how are you?
[quote=humandoll'RIA]hi there
welcome to ftalk
Thanks pretty sis . how are you?
[quote=melancholic]hi Anne! im guessing your real name is Roxanne! lol
welcome to ftalk![/quote]
thanks sis . haha . hmm nope . its rozanne actually .
I got my nick roxy from my ex . he changed “z” to
“x” hehe . and yeah its my second name ! nice guess sis ^^.

Thanks . how are you?
[quote=iloveyou4lyf][b]Hi there

Welcome 2 FTalk Forum :rose:
Hope u'll enjoy ur stay here

Have a wonderful posting

Cya around

Thanks sis . love your avvie . pretty girl ^^.
[quote=denimboi]Hey there!
See you around!

Thanks dude !
[quote=Linniie]welcum to ftalk.
enjoy in heree!![/quote]
thanks . how old are you?
Whats up?