2010-04-22 16:40:06

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][b]Contest is up!! Everyone please try your best![/b] [img]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u140/suiren_amaterasu/Otaku%20Society/Guide.gif[/img] --- [url=http://i167.photobucket.com

[quote=_berii.^ü;#3538302;1271942278]Which is? The manga or the LV? Anyway, Bloody Monday is done, both the manga and LV, while Bloody Monday 2 is still ongoing.[/quote] ohh it's new then.. I'll try to watch it.. <3 [quote=_berii.^ü;#3538332;1271943260]Hey minna. From what anime is the second image above from? :xixi: The one who's in the "about otakus society." Can you please tell me? Arigatou~ ^-^[/quote] I dunno.. I take it from a random render sorry.. -.-

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