[quote=HunkeeDoree;#3543717;1272240490]hey, i'm just curious.. does XLR8 pronounced as "accelerate"?
Ex-el-er-eight = accelarate
i don't even know that group.. all i know is that, they're super junior copycats.
i viewed an fb fan profile of XLR8. and saw some photos of XLR8 and Super Junior.. (well, it's kinda similar).. and many people hate them.[/quote]
So, true. Well, as for me. XLR8 should not be blamed at all. Because they're inncent.
For me, they're okay. Their other song are okay, but not with You're SO Hot.
xD I found Aki and Melmar.. <3 <3 Handsome. xDD
Oh well..

I'm okay w/ XLR8 a big no to Pop Girls.
I'm not an anti and all, I JUST DON'T LIKE THEM. Because, I personally think they are overrated.
They have their new song entitled Sige Sayaw -.- * lols. i think their title is from the cornetto commercial. lols. jst jkin.

But, I can't deny Nadine is so pretty, I like her.
Well, goodluck to XLR8..as well, to PPOP.
BTW, to the author, SH3 isn't an upcoming girl group.
I think they are aready disband? But it is sadi they are searching for a new name because thre is a taiwanes? I'm not sure..that have the same name as them. Well, it's kinda disappointing coz i like their forst single move, even they say the steps are like KPOP, the song is so catchy xD
Looks like I'm the only fangirl in the world who is okay with PPOP. xDD
Last edited by LADYLIAH17 (2010-04-25 21:01:18)