[align=center]my first ever tutorial.
Adobe Photoshop Cs3.
your reading skills.[/quote]
[spoiler][b]Download the ff.:[/b]
[url=http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1080177]Magnifying Glass[/url][/align][/spoiler]
[spoiler][b]Step 1[/b]
Select File > Open (select your Backround image).
[b]Step 2[/b]
Go to Layer > New > Layer (or simply Shift+Ctrl+N).
Click OK.
[b]Step 2[/b]
Select Elliptical Marquee tool then draw a circle on your Image where you want to put your Magnifying Glass Effect.
Use the gradient tool and fill the circle in black.
[b]Step 3[/b]
Right click the Elliptical Marquee Layer and go to Blending Options.
Set the setting to match the below pictures.
Inner Shadow:
Outer Glow:
Bevel and Emboss:
[b]Step 4[/b]
Click your Image layer and go to Filter > Distort > Spherize.
Set the Amount to 75%.
[b]Step 5[/b]
You can now erase the Elliptical Marquee Layer then you can add and edit the Magnifying Glass frame around the Circle.
[b]Here's the final Result:
[align=center]thats all.
