[quote=Ephemeral;#3611131;1275325278]Yeah, they try to act ganster, but in front of the law, they're just as good as crap on the streets. I seen a jejemon guy in a Ganster outfit. He was listening to music. I thought it was hip-hop or something. Then I was like WTF is this tard anyway, hip-hop gig then listening to FM static? They aren't just jejemons, they're poseurs too.

[b]FuCK yEaH!!! tHisZz LoOkZ GaNgSteEURR! [/b] (i fail @ jejemoning sorry)
Their outfits in general fail >__> gangsters do not dress like that (I saw some of their pics)
Anyway thats pretty classic lmfao listening to rock songs WTF. damnnnn
Anyway lets just hope this whole jejemon crap stops. (doubt it)
But yeaa, i think its just ways of people to look cool >__>