Zelle naman! aha.
[quote=alyssa01;#3619074;1275744862]HAPPY 1st MONTHSARY M.P.A.!
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! ♥♥♥

Im so Happy for us! Thanks for the moments&memories everyone!
Im the Group DJ right?, Oh Yeah![/quote]

Lets Party.
Hehehe, Can't wait till my grandparents are home,
We're going to move to our bungalow when that happens,
And you know what, Were getting a Flat tv with 31 inches wide.
?? i dont know the brand?, haha. but atleast it allows you to use it as a
monitor, cool eh?

just sharin'. eh? how come my mom will buy this television but when i requested
a new phone that only costs 2k, :"i dont have money la." O_O