Jesus Christ mate! First he gave every piece of money that he had then he gave away his clothes and lots of his other stuffs! After that he was already naked and yet he still had the heart to feed those god-damn goblins by having them eat every single part of his body till all he had was his head....
My Notion!
First I thought he was really a fool having read the story
Second I thought he only did the things that he can do for others
Third I really think that his a very generous and kind person, because-he gives and do what is ask of him and he never thought or wanted somthing in return.....
In short... his unselfishly noble and generous.........
and this story just gotta be one of the best narration I have ever read yet...................
Bloody hell mate, keep it up
Last edited by sherovin (2010-06-27 02:49:20)