okey, i'll start i own 4 accounts
[u]friendster[/u] - this is my first account .. :heart2:
[u]facebook [/u]- one stop account .. profile,friends,games,chat .. :wave:
[u]plurk[/u] - i love d karma thi
TWITTER - im a twitter addict.. very useful for me.. most of the kpop forums updates are in twitter
PLURK - my friend told me to make one.. im "bobo" in plurk.. i really dunno how it works..
TUMBLR - curiosity
MYSPACE -curiosity too
FACEBOOK - "nakigaya" to my friends
FRIENDSTER -its a trend before..
TAGGED - curiosity
ME2DAY - i chalenged myself to make a korean twitter..
CYWORLD --do--
MULTIPLY - curiostiy