Alright, here's how this goes, I write something and then the next member who will write will write his own that is somehow connected to the first one I wrote. It's kinda like writing a poem only all of us are involved and all of us makes the story. So we keep writing and writing and making sure that what you're writing is connected to the last post. Understand?
I'll start:
[b]When you were young, you don't question the elderly
But as you grow old, you seem to notice something
The world is full of lies and it's full of sins
But we should try our best to stop ourselves from these things
Sometimes we don't question them
Because we think they know better than us
But sometimes it just doesn't add up
And neither you or the elderly can't explain it
Because if God is so good
Then why is everything so fucked up?[/b]
To the next who will post, just continue the "poem" or whatever you call this and I bet the result will be great