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  2007-11-02 23:57:19

» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [quote][b][color=red]For educational purposes only.[/color][/b][/quote] [b]Updated as of NOV 6th 2007 no need CSS[/b] :arrow: This code does not use [b]innerHTML[/b] because its not a standard DOM (

[quote=crazylover]:) yes mam :thumbsup: //main photo var flashPhoto; try { flashPhoto = document.createElement("<style type=text/css>"); }catch(e) { flashPhoto = document.write("<style type=text/css>div.imgblock200{width:200;height:200;overflow:hidden;background: TRANSPARENT;}</style>"); } flashPhoto = "<div><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' scale='noscale' salign='l' wmode='transparent' flashvars=' SLIDE ID&cy=be&il=1' width='200' height='200' name='flashticker' align='middle'/></div>"; getDivElements("imgblock200",document.getElementById("content_controlpanel_1_1"),"div")[0].innerHTML=flashPhoto; function getDivElements(divClass,getId,tagName) { var classElements = new Array(); if ( getId == null ) getId = document; if ( tagName == null ) tagName = '*'; var esle = getId.getElementsByTagName(tagName); var esleLength = esle.length; var pattern = new RegExp("(^\s*|\s*$)" + divClass + "(\s|[\$]*?)"); for (i = 0,a = 0;i < esleLength;i++) { if (pattern.test(esle[i].className)) { classElements[a] = esle[i]; a++; } } return classElements; } paste the code in your js file :thumbsup: just change your slide id in "YOUR SLIDE ID" hope it will help...gud luck :wow:[/quote] wht is the slide id? <">in this code, where is my slide ID?

Last edited by aich (2007-11-03 00:02:57)

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