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  2011-05-01 16:37:42

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

[quote=losher29;#3767829;1303814144]Why are people makin a big deal out of this[/quote] It's really a big deal. Anyone unable to address audience properly has no place in entertainment business.

[quote=forsakendoll;#3775818;1304278144]Different? Both starts with 'Ma', has 'la', and ends with 'a'. I'm not saying they sound exactly the same BRO. I'm just sayin that it sounds similar. I do hope you understand what I mean when I said similar, not identical.[/quote] Yes, different. Not the same = different. How similar is similar bro? We all have our own interpretations when comparing two different things. Unlike "different", "similar" can't be defined exactly. [quote=forsakendoll;#3775818;1304278144]Yea it does have sth to do with school.[/quote] No it doesn't. [quote=forsakendoll;#3775818;1304278144]Exactly. And for them to be able to become not ignorant (knowledgeable) is that they should learn it from school to avoid such mix-ups and that is why we go back to this[/quote] Many knowledgeable people don't go to school, they're not ignorant because they self-taught themselves. School or any other formal education is not a necessity in order to be able to differentiate between Manila and Malaysia. [quote=--pUshnIt08--;#3775832;1304279818]For this incident, Ive heard abt this, i dont know if i wud feel flattered that he hasnt overcome manila yet, IF Ever he was here which i never knew abt.. or he is jst compltly arrogant to even care to know where he is. I bet those malaysian people wud be like "wtf? do have we have manila in malaysia? ?", I mean I do know that due to the massive amount of concerts they did, they wudve forget the place or dont know literally where they are..but Im sure beiber is not alone in Malaysia. He has his thousand PAs, his manager, his mom (?), his staff. And he ddnt even dared to ask?.. Thats sheer stupidity! Well, like aya, hell i care about him. Never liked him in the first place anyway. He can greet everyone in gay language and that wud be more appropriate.[/quote] Yeah.. neiher do I care about him. I just think that if you're an artist, and some people actually pay for you to perform.. you would check with the manager or event organizer about the place you're going to perform... right.. and if you're a cool person you'll probably spend some time beforehand to learn about the places and the audience, so that you'll know what to do/say and what not on stage. It would certainly lead to something more meaningful and better than "hello manila!?!?!?!" "booooo!!" terereeerettt..*song starts*..treeteeereret... "baby baby oh oh baby..." :lol3:

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