Re: [b]Preview: [/b][url][/url]
The code is long but all you need to do is copy paste
and edit a few lines :)
Open Notepad and Paste this code
change the variables because Im using mdirwan's code to apply the trick
i made this code for you
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){embedx()})) window.onload = function(){embedx()};
function embedx(){
var sloddex = "<iframe style='FILTER: chroma(color=#FFFFFF)' allowtransparency='true' frameborder=0 width='100%' height='256' scrolling='no' src=[b]SCROLLER.PHP URL[/b]></iframe>";
document.getElementById('content_2').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+sloddex+"</td></tr></table>";
If its not working try changing the timeout from 10000 to 9000 :thumbsup:[/quote]
heres my photo slide sir<">[/quote]
louis code is what you need to use the var is different so no conflict.