[quote=nahtanoj18]I can't make this work on my profile, not everything but the smilies button.... And what's the purpose of this code below....
[quote]<a href=\"javascript:DoSmilie('SMILIES CODE')\"><img src='URL OF SMILIES IMG'>[/quote]
How will I use this, should I use this only once..??

[b]Did you add this code?[/b]
<">[b]Make use also of the generator provided so you can get more smilies...or you can add it yourself[/b]

[b]So it should be like this:[/b][color=red][b]And don't forget to add the code from above to make the smilies show when you click on the word smilies.[/b][/color]
Last edited by mickyriora (2007-11-11 11:18:56)