the premade already has it's own onload handler and addbox function, so you can put that anywhere outside of the onload handler

or anywhere in your js

but if you know what parts to change and remove, you can put it inside of your tracker's onload handler, but there could be errors if you do it wrong. But if you were to put it on your onload handler, it might something look like this:
[quote]//this is a shakiro214 production
//In cooperation with friendsterTalk forum
//some rights reserved
mtv = new Array();
pokedex=Math.floor(Math.random() * mtv.length);
var embedder="<div align='center' id='flasherdiv'>"+
"<br><embed src="+mtv[pokedex]+" width='295px' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent'></embed>"+
addBox("right",blah,blah,blah....,embedder,blah,blah,blah.... );[/quote]
the blah,blah,blah.... part just depends on how your function addBox is defined.
Last edited by shakiro214 (2007-12-02 23:22:24)