that is the box id (or u can say it css id).
u can paste it at the very bottom of ur css ext code.
for the bground.
i've told u that u can use any css properties inside the [b]{ }[/b] sign.
to use bground, u can add this into ur code.
[quote]background-image: url(URL OF IMAGE);
background-color: #HEXVALUE;[/quote]
so that ur code will look like this

[quote]#BOX ID
{background-image: url([b]URL OF IMAGE[/b]);
background-color: #[b]HEXVALUE[/b];
if u want to add the font code, it will look like this

[quote]#BOX ID
{color: #000000;
font-family: 'century gothic'; font-size: 10px;font-weight: bold;
background-image: url([b]URL OF IMAGE[/b]);
background-color: [b]#HEXVALUE[/b];