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  2007-12-21 04:14:31

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

ORIGINAL CODE AND IDEA : [url=]dynamicdrive[/url] BROWSER COMPATIBLE : Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer v6 REQUIREMENT : Knowledge in [url=

ORIGINAL CODE AND IDEA : [url=]dynamicdrive[/url] BROWSER COMPATIBLE : Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer v6 REQUIREMENT : Knowledge in [url=]Applying External JS.[/url] the code has been modified by me, so that it can be applied in friendster profile. [color=red][b]paste this code in ur external js.[/b][/color] this is the code to make a welcome message at the top of ur profile. [quote]var themessage="[b]YOUR TEXT[/b]" var fontsize=[b]10[/b] // below 50px. [color=red]// don't edit below here.[/color] var appearfor=2000 if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { position_at_top();expand();})) window.onload = function() { position_at_top();expand();}; function position_at_top(){ if (document.layers) else if (document.all){ test.innerHTML='<div align=center><font face="Arial">'+themessage+'</font></div>' setTimeout(";",100) } else if (document.getElementById){ document.getElementById("navigation").innerHTML='<div align=center><font face="Arial">'+themessage+'</font></div>' document.getElementById("navigation") } } function expand(){ if (document.layers){ document.test.document.write('<div align=center style="font-size:'+fontsize+'px"><font face="Arial">'+themessage+'</font></div>') document.test.document.close() } else if (document.all)'px' else if (document.getElementById) document.getElementById("navigation").style.fontSize=fontsize+'px' fontsize+=5 if (fontsize>50){ if (document.layers) setTimeout("document.test.visibility='hide'",appearfor) else if (document.all) setTimeout("'hidden'",appearfor) else if (document.getElementById) setTimeout("document.getElementById('navigation').style.visibility='hidden'",appearfor) return } else setTimeout("expand()",50) }[/quote] just change the [b]bold[/b] part with ur own prefer. [b]PREVIEW :[/b] UNDER CONSTRUCTION. :D [quote]Another way in applying this script by [b]Refresh/Reload[/b] Go to this link for the tutorial :arrow: [url=]Post #148[/url] Go to this link for the preview :arrow: [url=]R/R's Profile[/url][/quote]

Last edited by andHa (2008-05-08 02:57:30)

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