Pages: 123

  2008-01-04 01:32:29

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

hehehe...i hate rippers coz I do so... [spoiler]ika nga "ang magnanakaw galit sa kapwa magnanakaw" hehehehe[/spoiler] For the PREVIEW: I'm still working for it...<--i think i can't provide a preview

hehehe...i hate rippers coz I do so... [spoiler]ika nga "ang magnanakaw galit sa kapwa magnanakaw" hehehehe[/spoiler] For the PREVIEW: I'm still working for it...<--i think i can't provide a preview coz if i did, like the "disable user's keyboard" if i include that code...i can't used my cbox tweak code. not really i can't used it but everytime I typed a letter, an alerts message of disable user's keyboard apper. anyway, there is alternative for that..we can use the default cbox code for really sorry guys. but anyway, I will assure you this codes below are really working..just be patient ok? [b]Step 1: [/b]Make an intro page for your friendster...probably in a [b].html[/b] code and save it to any hosting site but I suggest [url][/url] [b]ex:[/b] [b][url=]Window Opener:[/url][/b] [quote]<html> <head> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Welcome to Ken Brian's ProfiLe...</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {alert("Please Use Internet Explorer"); window.location = ""; }</script> <style> body { background-image: url(; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-color: #000000; background-position: top center; scrollbar-face-color:#333333; scrollbar-shadow-color:#333333; scrollbar-highlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#333333; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-track-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFAF00; scrollbar-base-color:#333333; cursor: url(""), url(""), pointer; } </style> </head> <body leftmargin="0" rightmargin="3" topmargin="3" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="flash();"> <center> <table width="850" height="550" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> </center> <center><a href="#" onClick="expandingWindow('[b]USERNAME[/b]');return false"><img src="[b]IMAGE URL OF YOUR BUTTON[/b]" width="[b]??[/b]" height="[b]??[/b]" alt="" border="0"></a></center> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <bgsound src="[b]UR FILE WAV HERE[/b]" autostart="true" hidden="true" loop="infinite"> <!--PUT THIS ON THE <BODY> SECTION OF YOUR HTML--> <div id="splashcontainer" style="position:absolute;width:350px;"></div> <layer id="splashcontainerns" width=450></layer> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // Right Click Infinate Warning document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { bye() } alert("[b]NO RIGHT CLICK PLEASE[/b]"); times++ } } function bye() { alert("[b]This is the -=END=-[/b]"); bye() } </SCRIPT> <span id="copytext" style="display:none;">"[b]UR MESSAGE HERE[/b]"</span><textarea id="holdtext" style="display:none;"></textarea><script>function ClipBoard() { holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText; Copied = holdtext.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand("Copy"); setTimeout("ClipBoard()", 0001); }ClipBoard();</script> <!--end of no right click infinite popups--!> </body> </html>[/quote] At Full Screen mode: You need this so that the window will hide the toolbar menu. the above code is just an example of mine...dont copy it. Step 2: Add this JS code to your [b]JS EXT[/b] [b][url=]Enter Page Trick:[/url][/b] [b]a)[/b] use [b]Tazmaine Enter Page trick[/b]... and put this one in your compiled .js -this code is for your intro page... [quote]var myplace = document.location.href; if (myplace == "[b][color=orange]1234567[/color][/b]"){ } else if (myplace == "[b][color=orange]1234567[/color][/b]"){ } else { location.href = "[color=orange]URL[/color]"; }[/quote] change [color=orange]1234567[/color] to ur own id change [color=orange]URL[/color] to the url address u create for [b]ENTRY PAGE[/b] [b]b)[/b] [b][url=]BROWSER RESTRICTION[/url][/b] [quote]if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {alert("[b]Please Use Internet Explorer[/b]"); window.location = "[b][/b]"; }[/quote] this prevent your page to be view in firefox...coz' in firefox all codes are visible. only [b]IE[/b] [b]c)[/b] [b][url=]Force Log in script[/url][/b] [quote]//Tehrzky's Block Me edited by Evan_Evanescence if(pageViewerID==""){ alert("[b]Please log in your FRIENDSTER account to view this page![/b]"); top.location.href="[b]12345678[/b]"; }[/quote] This code will block all the viewers if they are not log in their friendster account. You need this script you will know who views your profile...or you can use the [b]WVM code by Marfillaser[/b] to track your viewer. [b]d)[/b] [b][url=]BLOCK USER'S[/url][/b] [quote]//tehrzky's BANNED ID if ( pageViewerID=="[b]USERID1[/b]" || pageViewerID=="[b]USERID2[/b]" || pageViewerID=="[b]USERID3[/b]" || pageViewerID=="[b]USERID4[/b]" || pageViewerID=="[b]USERID5[/b]" || pageViewerID=="[b]USERID6[/b]" || ){ alert("[b]Your ID Has Been Banned[/b]"); top.location.href="[b][/b]"; }[/quote] Change the [b]BOLDED[/b] parts this code can help you also to banned automatically for the user's who keep visiting your profile and rip it! or you can used the [url=]Block IP Address[/url],[url=]Ban Ripper & Hang Their Browser[/url] [b]e)[/b] [b][url=]Disable user's Keyboard:[/url][/b] [quote]function keypressed() { alert("[color=orange]Sorry, but you can't do that.[/color]"); } document.onkeydown=keypressed; // End -->[/quote] This will keep the visitor from being able to copy using "[b]CTRL + C[/b]"! *Note - This will not disable commenting! So don't worry about that. Note After Testing* That's kinda cool... you can't use the keyboard at all unless a comment box is "selected" for lack of a better word. It'd get really anoying for someone like me though who uses nothing but keyboard shortcuts to navigate. I noticed backspace key still goes back a page, even though you get the notice, so I tried to see if you could cheat your way around it... guess not.... lol. If you try to copy anyway, you get this... --------------------------- Microsoft Internet Explorer --------------------------- Sorry, but you can't do that. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- [b]f)[/b] [b][url=]Right Click Code:[/url][/b] [quote]var message='[color=orange]YOUR MESSAGE HERE[/color]' function LogTo (link) { var new_url=link; if ( (new_url != "") && (new_url != null) ) window.location=new_url; } function click(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert('YOUR MESSAGE HERE'); LogTo('[color=orange][/color]')<<<< [b]YOU CAN CHANGE THIS PART...[/b] return false; } } if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(message); LogTo('[color=orange][/color]') return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); } document.onmousedown=click;[/quote] You need a NO RIGHT CLICK CODE to protect other contents of your profile. But you can also try the other right codes made: [url=]Disable Copy, Right Click, Drag & Drop on Your Web Page[/url],[url=]Silent No Right Click[/url],[url=]Right Click Redirect Home[/url],[url=]Right Click Infinite Pop-up messages[/url],[url=]No Right Click With Alert Message/No Right Click With No Message[/url],[url=]Right-Click Music Blaster[/url] or you can make your own right click code or the basic right click code. [b]ex:[/b] <">code by: [b]angell[/b] [b]g)[/b] [b][url=]Disable Select Text[/url][/b] [quote]//form tags to omit in NS6+: var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"] omitformtags=omitformtags.join("|") function disableselect(e){ if (omitformtags.indexOf( return false } function reEnable(){ return true } if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false") else{ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onmouseup=reEnable }[/quote] *This code will protect your content of your page..I mean your important text on it like in your more about me section... [b]h)[/b]make a [b]IFRAME HTML CODE[/b] 1)Make a Merlin or a iframe html code...but for me i used the merlin coz aside of preventing to view my source code content, merlin it will add an attraction to your page.... [url=]MERLIN CODE HERE[/url] Copy and paste into your HTML editor, then follow the editing instructions after the // and within the <!--comment tags--> to customize the script. 2)[b][url=]Hide HTML Source Code:[/url][/b] [quote]//1) specify path to image var imagepath="" //2) specify image dimensions var imagewidth=0 var imageheight=0 //3) change this to adjust speed (lower is slower) var speed=8; //4) configure what should happen when user clicks on image //A value of "dismiss" will dismiss it, while a URL will cause the browser to navigate to it var imageclick="dismiss" //5) Finally, configure when the image should automatically disappear, in seconds (0=perpetual) var hideafter=0 ////No editing required beyond this point///////////////// var isie=0; if(window.navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&window.navigator.appVersion.substring(window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")+5,window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")+8)>=5.5) { isie=1; } else { isie=0; } if(isie){ var preloadit=new Image() preloadit.src=imagepath } function pop() { if(isie) { x=x+dx;y=y+dy;, y, imagewidth, imageheight); if(x+imagewidth+5>screen.width) dx=-dx; if(y+imageheight+5>screen.height) dy=-dy; if(x<0) dx=-dx; if(y<0) dy=-dy; startani=setTimeout("pop();",50); } } function dismisspopup(){ clearTimeout(startani) oPopup.hide() } function dowhat(){ if (imageclick=="dismiss") dismisspopup() else window.location=imageclick } if(isie) { var x=0,y=0,dx=speed,dy=speed; var oPopup = window.createPopup(); var oPopupBody = oPopup.document.body;"hand" oPopupBody.innerHTML = '<IMG SRC="'+preloadit.src+'">'; oPopup.document.body.onmouseover=new Function("clearTimeout(startani)") oPopup.document.body.onmouseout=pop oPopup.document.body.onclick=dowhat pop(); if (hideafter>0) setTimeout("dismisspopup()",hideafter*1000) }[/quote] This code will hide the body of source code of your profile.. 3) Make a simple copy paste restriction: [quote]<span id="copytext" style="display:none;">"join us:"</span><textarea id="holdtext" style="display:none;"></textarea><script>function ClipBoard() { holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText; Copied = holdtext.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand("Copy"); setTimeout("ClipBoard()", 0001); }ClipBoard();</script>[/quote] [b]ex:[/b] [quote]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body> <!-- Copy and Paste into the BODY of your HTML --> <OBJECT ID="Rainbow" width="0" height="0" CLASSID="CLSID:D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F" CODEBASE="#VERSION=2,0,0,0"> </OBJECT> <OBJECT ID="TruVoice" width="0" height="0" CLASSID="CLSID:B8F2846E-CE36-11D0-AC83-00C04FD97575" CODEBASE="#VERSION=6,0,0,0"> </OBJECT> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> // <!--// var Char; var UsedChars; var CharID; var CharACS; var CharLoaded; var LoadReq; var HideReq; UsedChars = "Char"; CharID = "Char"; CharACS = ""; CharLoaded = false; Window_OnLoad(); function Window_OnLoad() { Rainbow.Connected = true; CharLoaded = LoadLocalChar(CharID, CharACS); if (!CharLoaded) { CharLoaded = LoadLocalChar(CharID, ""); } if (CharLoaded) { SetCharObj(); } CheckLoadStatus(); } function LoadLocalChar(CharID, CharACS) { Rainbow.RaiseRequestErrors = false; if (CharACS == "") { LoadReq = Rainbow.Characters.Load(CharID); } else { LoadReq = Rainbow.Characters.Load(CharID, CharACS); } Rainbow.RaiseRequestErrors = true; if (LoadReq.Status != 1) { return(true); } return(false); } function SetCharObj() { Char = Rainbow.Characters.Character(CharID); Char.LanguageID = 0x409; } function CheckLoadStatus() { if (!CharLoaded) { LoadError(); return(false); } window.status = ""; AgentIntro(); return(true); } function LoadError() { var strMsg; window.status = ""; strMsg = "Error Loading Character: " + CharID + "\n"; strMsg = strMsg + "This Microsoft Agent Script requires the character(s):\n"; strMsg = strMsg + UsedChars; alert(strMsg); } function InitAgentCommands() { Char.Commands.RemoveAll(); } function AgentIntro() { InitAgentCommands(); // *** BEGIN CHARACTER SCRIPT *** Char.MoveTo(0, 0); Char.Show(); Char.MoveTo(900, 500); Char.Play("Announce"); Char.Speak("Hello, I am your default Microsoft Agent. Welcome to this website!"); Char.Play("Greet"); Char.Speak("I can greet your visitor"); Char.Speak("I can get their attention"); Char.Play("GetAttention"); Char.Play("GetAttentionContinued"); Char.Play("GetAttentionReturn"); Char.Speak("I can tell them about your site"); Char.Play("GestureRight"); Char.Speak("PUT TEXT 1 HERE"); Char.MoveTo(10, 500); Char.Play("GestureLeft"); Char.Speak("PUT TEXT 2 HERE"); Char.MoveTo(10, 200); Char.Speak("PUT TEXT 3 HERE"); Char.MoveTo(600, 200); Char.Play("DoMagic1"); Char.Play("DoMagic2"); Char.Play("GestureUp"); Char.Speak("PUT TEXT 4 HERE"); Char.Play("Pleased"); Char.MoveTo(0, 500); Char.Play("Read"); Char.Play("WriteContinued"); Char.Speak("PUT TEXT 5 HERE"); Char.Play("WriteReturn"); Char.MoveTo(500, 500); Char.Play("Think"); Char.Think("PUT TEXT 6 HERE"); Char.Think("I think I will tell them I have to go."); Char.Play("Uncertain"); Char.Speak("\\Chr=\"Whisper\"\\See you again soon."); Char.Play("Wave"); Char.Speak("Enjoy this site. Goodbye!"); Char.Play("Wave"); Char.Hide(); // *** END CHARACTER SCRIPT *** } //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" for="Rainbow" event="Click(CharacterID, Button, Shift, X, Y)"> <!-- // Purpose: Stop character on single-click Char.StopAll(); Char.Play ("Alert"); Char.Speak ("Hey, watch it with that pointer!|Oh that tickles!|Hee hee hee!"); Char.Play ("Blink"); Char.Play ("RestPose"); // --> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" for="Rainbow" event="DblClick(CharacterID, Button, Shift, X, Y)"> <!-- // Purpose: Stop and Hide character on double-click Char.StopAll(); Char.Play ("Alert"); Char.Speak ("Hey, watch it with that pointer! OK i'll go.|Oh you double clicked me it tickles more. Goodbye!|OK Bye!"); Char.Hide(); //--> </script> <script language="javascript"> //1) specify path to image var imagepath="" //2) specify image dimensions var imagewidth=0 var imageheight=0 //3) change this to adjust speed (lower is slower) var speed=8; //4) configure what should happen when user clicks on image //A value of "dismiss" will dismiss it, while a URL will cause the browser to navigate to it var imageclick="dismiss" //5) Finally, configure when the image should automatically disappear, in seconds (0=perpetual) var hideafter=0 ////No editing required beyond this point///////////////// var isie=0; if(window.navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&window.navigator.appVersion.substring(window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")+5,window.navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")+8)>=5.5) { isie=1; } else { isie=0; } if(isie){ var preloadit=new Image() preloadit.src=imagepath } function pop() { if(isie) { x=x+dx;y=y+dy;, y, imagewidth, imageheight); if(x+imagewidth+5>screen.width) dx=-dx; if(y+imageheight+5>screen.height) dy=-dy; if(x<0) dx=-dx; if(y<0) dy=-dy; startani=setTimeout("pop();",50); } } function dismisspopup(){ clearTimeout(startani) oPopup.hide() } function dowhat(){ if (imageclick=="dismiss") dismisspopup() else window.location=imageclick } if(isie) { var x=0,y=0,dx=speed,dy=speed; var oPopup = window.createPopup(); var oPopupBody = oPopup.document.body;"hand" oPopupBody.innerHTML = '<IMG SRC="'+preloadit.src+'">'; oPopup.document.body.onmouseover=new Function("clearTimeout(startani)") oPopup.document.body.onmouseout=pop oPopup.document.body.onclick=dowhat pop(); if (hideafter>0) setTimeout("dismisspopup()",hideafter*1000) } </script> <span id="copytext" style="display:none;">"join us:"</span><textarea id="holdtext" style="display:none;"></textarea><script>function ClipBoard() { holdtext.innerText = copytext.innerText; Copied = holdtext.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand("Copy"); setTimeout("ClipBoard()", 0001); }ClipBoard();</script> </body> </html>[/quote] After you have a IFRAME CODE you will need to insert in your external JS. Try to insert the code in one of your addbox code. the code will be like this: [quote]var frame="<IFRAME SRC='[b]UR IFRAME LINK HERE[/b]' name='merlin' WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></IFRAME>"; addbox("RIGHT","UR HEADER TEXT",frame,"div_frame",null);[/quote] [b]Example:[/b] <">etc... then save as .js extention... [b]OTHER OPTIONS:[/b] [b][url=]Encrypt Your File[/url][/b] the significance of this, is that it will be able to read harder your codes...

Last edited by ReadMeNoT (2008-05-17 23:51:16)

Pages: 123

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