[b]Who Viewed Me Cbox On Multiply (HOT)[/b]


Sir Feruzz for wvmcbox Friendster Version

Ok Let's Start
Step 1: Insert this code at the top of your js codes (If you already have this Skip this Step)
[quote]var pageOwnerFName;
var pageViewerFName;
pageOwnerFName = window.location.href.slice(7, window.location.href.indexOf("."));
try {
pageViewerFName = getElementsByClassName(null,"span","signoutid")[0].firstChild.innerHTML.replace(/Hi,\s+?/gim, "");
}catch(e) {
pageViewerFName = "";
function getElementsByClassName(oElm,sTag,sClass) {
var elm = [];
if (!oElm)oElm = document;
if (!sTag)sTag = "*";
var els = oElm.getElementsByTagName(sTag) || document.all;
for (var j=0,k=els.length;j<k;j++) {
if (new RegExp(sClass).test(els[j].className)) {
return elm;

Step 2: Insert This Code after the first code and edit the bold part... ([b]www?, CBOXID, CBOXTAG[/b])

[b](www?, BOXTAG, BOXID)[/b]
[quote]/* ONLOAD HANDLER */
if (!addEvent(function() { WVMC.init();})) { window.onload = function() { WVMC.init();};}
if (typeof WVMC == "undefined") { WVMC = {}; }
WVMC = {
module: [],
init: function() {
var sty = "";
for (val in this.frame) {
sty += val +":"+ this.frame[val]+";";
this.module = document.createElement("DIV");
this.module.innerHTML = "<center>"+
"<iframe frameborder='0' width='90%' height='200' src='http://[b]www?[/b].cbox.ws/box/?boxid=[b]BOXID[/b]&boxtag=[b]BOXTAG[/b]&sec=main' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='yes' name='blurry' id='blurry'></iframe><br/><br/></center>";

Step 3: The Function Code: Insert after 2nd code ...
edit the bold part... ([b]www?, CBOXID, CBOXTAG[/b])
[quote]if((pageViewerFName != pageOwnerFName) && (pageViewerFName != "")) {
var getsubnavc = document.getElementById("subnavc");
getsubnavc.innerHTML = "<center>"+
"<div style='display:none'>"+
"<iframe name='cbox_post' id='cbox_post'>"+
"<form id='cform' target='cbox_post' action='[b]www?[/b].cbox.ws/box/?boxid=[b]BOXID[/b]&boxtag=[b]BOXTAG[/b]&sec=submit' method='post'>"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='25' name='nme' value=\""+pageViewerFName+"\">"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='50' name='eml' value='http://"+pageViewerFName+".multiply.com/'>"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='200' name='pst' value='"+Date().replace(/\(.+\)/,"")+"'>"+
"<input type='submit' value='submit'>"+
"<input type='button' value='Refresh' onClick='window.wvmcboxmain.location.href=document.getElementById(\"wvmcboxmain\").src'>"+
That's it your done
[b]Or perhaps you want to use the addbox function... Look here[/b]

Insert this at the top of your js code

Insert this code after the function ... just edit the bold part... ([b]www?, CBOXID, CBOXTAG[/b])
[quote]if (!addEvent(function() { onPageLoad();})) { window.onload = function() { onPageLoad();};}
function onPageLoad() {
var wvmcbox="<div align=\"center\" id=\"radio\"><iframe frameborder='0' width='90%' height='300' src='http://[b]www?[/b].cbox.ws/box/?boxid=[b]CBOXID[/b]&boxtag=[b]CBOXTAG[/b]&sec=main' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='yes' name='blurry' id='blurry'></iframe></div>";
addBox("siderail"," My Profile Viewer",wvmcbox,"wvmcbox");
if((pageViewerFName != pageOwnerFName) && (pageViewerFName != "")) {
var getsubnavc = document.getElementById("subnavc");
getsubnavc.innerHTML = "<center>"+
"<div style='display:none'>"+
"<iframe name='cbox_post' id='cbox_post'>"+
"<form id='cform' target='cbox_post' action='http://[b]www?[/b].cbox.ws/box/?boxid=[b]CBOXID[/b]&boxtag=[b]CBOXTAG[/b]&sec=submit' method='post'>"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='25' name='nme' value=\""+pageViewerFName+"\">"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='50' name='eml' value='http://"+pageViewerFName+".multiply.com/'>"+
"<input type='text' maxlength='200' name='pst' value='"+Date().replace(/\(.+\)/,"")+"'>"+
"<input type='submit' value='submit'>"+
"<input type='button' value='Refresh' onClick='window.wvmcboxmain.location.href=document.getElementById(\"wvmcboxmain\").src'>"+
var pageOwnerFName;
var pageViewerFName;
pageOwnerFName = window.location.href.slice(7, window.location.href.indexOf("."));
try {
pageViewerFName = getElementsByClassName(null,"span","signoutid")[0].firstChild.innerHTML.replace(/Hi,\s+?/gim, "");
}catch(e) {
pageViewerFName = "";
function getElementsByClassName(oElm,sTag,sClass) {
var elm = [];
if (!oElm)oElm = document;
if (!sTag)sTag = "*";
var els = oElm.getElementsByTagName(sTag) || document.all;
for (var j=0,k=els.length;j<k;j++) {
if (new RegExp(sClass).test(els[j].className)) {
return elm;
[quote]If you want to move your wvm cbox below are the available positions:
under your rail box = siderail
bottom right position = bottomr
bottom left position = bottoml
top position position = top[/quote]
Good Luck Guys... Happy Tweaking...
Img Preview: [img]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/7103/52020549wc8.jpg[/img]
Last edited by blurrycloud (2008-05-17 02:02:48)